Listen to ESLint

21 Sep 2023

Coding Standards : Errors

For one week using ESLint, I always get confused and a bit scared noticing that all of my code shows an error all the time. I tend not to get frustrated and realize that my code is fine and just needs some fixing. Although it’s a bit of a hassle, it does help me to be organized. ESLint was defintely a game changer every since I started using this which was pretty interesting but sometimes it can be painful to use.

My Impressions

After the first week of using ESLint with Intellij, I noticed that it can be a bit annoying but also helpful in a way. On ESLint, one of the things they have is the green checkmark and honestly it can be painful, and sometimes it can be useful . One of the reasons why it can be painful is because it shows errors on small things that don’t need to be an error or yet to be an error. For example, it will give an error if you don’t put spaces in between your arrays, for example”const Array = [1,2,3];” which would show an error because you don’t have spaces in between which is kind of a tedious to change. Little things like that are painful to deal with which is hard to see because it’s not an error. Although, it can be really good for a lot of things, for example, it will tell you if a variable that you used in your code isn’t used which I really enjoy about that. The way I see it is that it can be helpful a lot of times. It makes your code look a lot nicer and cleaner for the viewer that sees your code which I really enjoy about that.

Face your fears

After talking about ESLint, I need to realize that using ESLint isn’t trying to scare but it’s trying to help me to be a lot more organized. Even though it’s very tedious, it can also help me improve my coding skills by making it more efficient and readable. ESLint can help me in the future which I’m excited about.