Experience Software Engineer With Me

13 Dec 2023

The Adventure of Software Engineering !

Taking this class it was a great experience and made me realize there is much more than just coding. I’ve most definitely learned a lot from this class and this course challenged me mentally and made me realized that we can use the stuff that we’ve learned and use it for our future. A lot of things helped me get through this course from the help of Coding Standards and UI Frameworks. These two has helped me get through the course with the WODs, Projects and to make other things like my more of my code to look a lot cleaner and attractive.

Coding Standards !

Coding Standards has helped me so much from making my code cleaner and sometimes it can be a pain. You guys might be wondering, what is Coding Standards? Well, Coding Standards sets high quality code to make your code very neat and readable to you and for others who are trying to understand your code. It reminds me of “Grammarly” and how it makes your essay very neat just like ESLint in coding. For example, using ESLint is a Coding Standard and I would use it for my code all the time which was a pain, but I was very satisfied towards the end which helped me with my Final Project. Using Coding Standards was very helpful during my Final Project because my team was able to read off my code very easily which helps us analyze what our code is doing or what’s wrong with it. Coding Standards is a way that it sets high standards for the code and it can help you or others understand which was very neat.

UI Frameworks

UI Frameworks is very neat and has helped me with my WODs and my Final Project in many different ways. UI Framework is a way to make your website look very attractive and clean which I find very enjoyable and interesting. Although, you can use raw CSS and HTML, it would be a lot harder and a lot of typing which isn’t fun at all. It would take a very long process but using UI Frameworks from Bootstrap for example can be very easy and can realieve stress for you and other people. It helped me during my Final Project making it less stresful.


In conclusion, all topics during this semester for ICS 314 was very useful which I can use in the future but I strongly believe that Coding Standards and UI Framework were the best in my opinion which helped me throughout this whole semester. This course has challenged me with my knowledge but I’m very excited that I’m able to use what I’ve learned in this class in the future to the real world. Many of the other topics that I didn’t mention will also help me in the future which I’m really excited for.